Exam credit system
Credit System
Learning karate is done not only in classes but also in the various training actions carried out or approved by the CKSG that provide us with different learning experiences. In order to obtain better technical quality from our more homogeneous students, the following Credit System has been approved by the CKSG technical council to be adopted in all CKSG training centers for all ages and graduations.
Exams for entire belts
(Up to blue belt)
Exam for full graduations (1 color) 1. The student will have to earn 6 credits since the last full exam.(3+3) or 6 in the case of students over 13 years old. these do not have intermediate graduations
Exams for intermediate degrees
Exam for Intermediate Grades (2 colors): The student will have to earn 3 credits since the last full exam
Exams for red belt and above
Red Belt Exam and above: Student must earn 10 credits from the last full exam. (As these graduations are more spaced, they give the student more time to complete the credits)