dojo kun
1. JINKAKU KANSEINI TSUTÓ MURUKOTÓ (CHARACTER) The purpose of Karate does not lie in victory or defeat, but in the improvement of the character of its practitioners.
two. MAKOTO NO MICHYO MAMURUKOTÓ (SINCERITY) Karate training should be an act of sincerity. The lack of sincerity during training prevents the student from achieving the goals proposed by the teacher.
3. DOORIOKU NO SEISHIN OYASHINAUKOTÓ ( EFFORT ) Human behavior in situations of adversity and/or fatigue is strongly influenced by fears or volitional breaks, almost always revealing weaknesses in the psychic sphere.
4. REIGUIÓ ÓMONZURUKOTÓ ( Etiquette ) The practice of a martial art devoid of rules of etiquette becomes a rudimentary practice without any formative sense.
5. KEKKI NO YUÓ IMASHIMURUKOTÓ (SELF-CONTROL) In training or in real situations, goals are more easily achieved when you manage to control emotions and stress. The loss of that control inhibits clear reasoning, physical-coordinating and technical abilities.